· Black Emotional and Mental Health (BEAM): BEAM is a training, movement building and grant making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness, and liberation of Black communities. BEAM envisions a world where there are no barriers to Black Healing. o Toolkits & Education: graphics on accountability, self-control, and emotional awareness; journal prompts; articles on Black mental health o Videos: trainings and webinars, recorded and available for free · The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation: changing the perception of mental illness in the African-American community by encouraging people to get the help they need; focuses on stigma/self-stigma reduction and building trust between Black people and the mental health field. o Resource Guide:directory of mental health providers and programs that serve the Black community; includes therapists, support groups, etc, but also digital content, faith-based programs, educational programs, etc · Therapy for Black Girls: online space encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls; referral tool to find a therapist in your area o Therapist Directory: find trusted therapists that can help you navigate being a strong, Black woman; can search for in-office therapist by your location or virtual therapist o The Yellow Couch Collective: a paid membership community ($9.99/mo), space for Black women to gather to support, encourage, and learn from each other. · The Loveland Foundation: financial assistance to Black women & girls seeking therapy o Apply to receive funds for 2020 Summer/Fall · Therapy for Black Men: primarily a therapist directory for Black men seeking therapy; includes some resources and stories o Therapist Directory · Dr. Ebony’s My Therapy Cards: self-exploration card deck created by a Black female psychologist for other women of color; created with the intention of helping other women of color grow and elevate in the areas of emotional and mental health.
